This Awakening Generation by John Osteen (Excerpt)

The crisis hour is here!

The Church is seeking to shake itself and go out in power as it has in times past, only to find it has

no supernatural power! Tragedy of tragedies! Gabriel, sound the saddest note upon your trumpet and

put the flag of heaven at half; mast! In the darkest hour of human history, when the Church needs

the supernatural power of God more than ever, she is blinded by tradition, bound by man’s teaching,

and is grinding at the mill of religion without power.

But in this valley of dry bones, something is happening today! As in Ezekiel’s day, so God is moving

in our day. God was not content to leave Israel in the grave, as a valley of dry bones! He sent forth

a man in the name of the Lord God to stand in the valley and to prophesy until there came a noise

and a great shaking in that valley!

Once again, in our day, God has come to His people! This strange and wonderful move taking place

across our land and around the world is a sign of His presence! I hear His stately footsteps! Oh, I hear

the rustle of His garments! I feel the presence of His power! There is a noise in the valley…behold,

there is a great shaking!

What is this noise? It is the noise of thousands of denominational people speaking in tongues…the

noise of thousands of God’s people prophesying, praying for the sick, and casting out devils.

What is this noise? It is the noise of the denominational people coming out of the chains of

sectarianism and, in the mighty name of Jesus, claiming their rights, and setting captives free.

There is a noise in the valley! This noise is catching the attention of the newspapers and magazines.

It is circling the globe. All over the world, this noise of praise gives evidence that God’s presence and

power is coming back to His people!