What Saved you Sustains You

tumblr_mhbqverCcI1qapvyvo1_500He is the same today, yesterday and forever, without shadow or turning. He is still the God who loves us first. In salvation while we were still sinners, and in redemption as sons and daughters.

The grace that saved us then, remains still today, unmerited & unearned. You couldn’t have saved yourself then, nor can you sanctify yourself outside of Him now.

Too many of us worry too much about the fruit that shows on our tree that we try and become our own vine dresser. He’s the pruner, the refining fire. All we need to worry about is that we are planted & submerged in His river of living water. Focusing solely on Jesus, unveiled with nothing between us, and while we are ‘there’ in that intimate place, the Spirit transforms us more into the image of Jesus, taking us from glory to glory.

You have been redeemed from the curse of the law and the toiling of hard ground that produces good crop mixed amongst thorns and thistles. Let His hands be His hands, his work his work, and in His hands just rest knowing you are furiously loved by a good God.

Weight of Glory

God’s power is so strong. It’s so “much more” than any thing principalities can wage against us. So I wonder why, when thinking in terms of God’s strength, we often think of it as strength to withstand the wiles of the enemy versus strength to carry around and manifest God’s glory on earth. I think 2014 is going to be a whole new level of strength. Strength to bear, house and steward a new level of glory. Strength to bear the more of God. Strength to be the hope in the earth. Strength to carry the glory as Moses did. Strength to stand while God shakes the heavens and earth.