The Weapons of our Warfare

The church in America is engaged in Spiritual Warfare fighting with worldly weapons. It remains to be a sleeping giant with the armor of God and the weapons of our warfare sitting around at our feet. We “fight” these principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness in the natural and it’s resulted in the largest and most powerful army becoming sounding brass and clanging cymbals.  Our objective shouldn’t be arguing with the rulers of darkness, instead we should be breaking the strongholds that blind people from the truth and from knowing God. Instead of becoming protestors we need to become teachers, enlighteners, and light bearers. If we look in the mirror and it is hard to tell which side we reflect to the world, we have a problem. Why would others want to know our God if we don’t represent the goodness and power in Him. The minute we choose to put down a heavenly weapon to pick up a natural one, we have handed victory over to the enemy. We have crossed over the battle line and become lost on the other side.  His goal is as much to win as it is to deceive the church and trick them into fighting on the wrong side and in the name of God.

Think of it like this: God is the same in America as he is in a 3rd world country. The devil is also the same. It is easy to spot the witchcraft, voodoo and pure spiritual darkness that runs rampant there. Would you fight that by “arguing”, “protesting”, and “voting.” Or would you gather 2 or more and call on the heavens, saints, angels, and chariots of fire, pull out your swords raise your shield, and in all authority and power that has been given to you by the blood of Jesus really FIGHT…

2 Cor 10:3-6 We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.  And AFTER YOU HAVE BECOME FULLY OBEDIENT (waging war in the spiritual, knocking down strongholds and showing others God, THEN),  we will punish everyone who remains disobedient.